2024-05-02 22:04:43 -05:00

41 lines
1.2 KiB

<% ctype = type.split(/[-_ ]/).map(&:capitalize).join(" ") %>
<% content_for(:html_head) do %>
<% description = "#{ctype} are cool." %>
<%= render "head_images",
manifest_path: send("butts_are_cool_#{type}_manifest_path", :json)
<%= render "twitter_card",
card_creator: "@Donovan_DMC",
card_description: description,
card_image: image_path("#{assets_path}/image.png"),
card_image_alt: "An image of #{type}."
<%= render "dublin_core",
dc_creator: "Donovan_DMC",
dc_description: description
<%= render "open_graph",
og_description: description,
og_image: image_path("#{assets_path}/image.png"),
og_image_type: "image/png",
og_image_width: 700,
og_image_height: 700,
og_image_alt: "An image of #{type}."
<% end %>
<%= ctype %> are cool
<a href="https://e621.net/posts/<%= post_id %>">
<%= image_tag(image_path("#{assets_path}/full.#{file_ext}"), style: "max-width: 80vw; max-height: 70vh;") %>
Site by <a href="https://furry.cool">Donovan_DMC</a>