% content_for(:html_head) do %>
<%= render partial: "yiff_rest/home/head" %>
<% end %>
<%= image_tag("#{assets_path}/Blep.png") %>
Yiffy API
Pardon the blandness, but I cannot design websites to save my life.
This is a combination <%= link_to "image api", "https://state.yiff.rest" %>, <%= link_to "url shortener", "https://yiff.rocks" %>, and <%= link_to "e621 video thumbnailer", "https://thumbs.yiff.rest" %>.
You can see the documentation <%= link_to "here", "https://docs.yiff.rest" %>, or use our
<%= link_to "npm module", "https://npm.im/yiffy" %>.
You can manage your apikeys <%= link_to "here", yiff_rest_apikeys_path %>.