<% content_for(:html_head) do %> <% description = "Come meet the successor of Furry Bot, Maid Boye! I'm a cute little maid bot for keeping your server nice and tidy." %> <%= render "head_images", manifest_path: maidboye_cafe_home_manifest_path(:json) %> <%= render "twitter_card", card_creator: "@Donovan_DMC", card_site: "@MaidBoye", card_description: description, card_image: image_path("#{assets_path}/MaidShy.png"), card_image_alt: "MaidBoye's Icon" %> <%= render "dublin_core", dc_creator: "Donovan_DMC", dc_description: description %> <%= render "open_graph", og_description: description, og_image: image_path("#{assets_path}/MaidShy.png"), og_image_type: "image/png", og_image_width: 512, og_image_height: 512, og_image_alt: "MaidBoye's Icon" %> <% end %>

Hi, I'm Maid Boye!

A cute little maid bot for keeping your server nice and tidy.

To invite me to a server, click <%= link_to "here", maidboye_cafe_invite_path %>, and for support join <%= link_to "this", maidboye_cafe_support_path %> Discord server.

<%= image_tag("#{assets_path}/MaidShy.png") %>