<% content_for(:html_head) do %> <% description = "A status checker for e621." %> <%= render "head_images", manifest_path: e621_ws_status_manifest_path(:json) %> <%= render "twitter_card", card_site: "@e621dotnet", card_creator: "@Donovan_DMC", card_description: description, card_image: image_path("#{assets_path}/icon.png"), card_image_alt: "E621 Icon" %> <%= render "dublin_core", dc_creator: "Donovan_DMC", dc_description: description %> <%= render "open_graph", og_description: description, og_image: image_path("#{assets_path}/icon.png"), og_image_type: "image/png", og_image_width: 300, og_image_height: 300, og_image_alt: "E621 Icon" %> <% end %> <%= @current.created_at.iso8601 %> <% case @current.status %> <% when 0 %> <%= render "error" %> <% when 1 %> <%= render "maintenance" %> <% when 2 %> <%= render "no_status" %> <% else %> <%= render "primary" %> <% end %>

Looking to access this data automatically, or see the history? We have a JSON endpoint.
We also provide a Discord Webhook service.

<% if @current.note %>

<%= @current.note %>

<% end %>

Note: This is not an official status page. It is ran by Donovan_DMC as a communal utility.